Tuesday, December 20, 2011

6 Tips To Protect Your Dreams From A Negatron

How do you protect your dreams from a negatron. A what?

A "negatron".

What on earth is that Dean? You may be saying. (lol)

A negatron is a negative person, a dream stealer, someone who never has anything positive to say or is just always complaining how bad things are.

Do you know anyone like that? Do you?

It may surprise you but the most negative persons you may come across are those "closest to you".

Theses are spouses Family members, close friends who have your "best interest at heart" and they don't want to see you get hurt so they have all kinds of "good advice" to give to you because they know all the things that will not work and they also know what is "best" for you.

If you buy those lies you are doomed from the get go.

Here are my 6 tips for protecting your dreams from negative individuals.

1. Keep your dreams to yourself.

Work on your stuff in secret, especially if you are surrounded by negative individuals. Show them what you have done, do not tell them what you are intending to do because they may cause you to doubt yourself and your capabilities. Whenever self-doubt creeps in that is one of the killers of dreams.
So do your thing in secret if you must, then you can speak about it. Chances are they will marvel at what you have done and may then congratulate you if they really want to see you succeed.

2. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals.

It is a great strategy to have a peer group of like-minded people who can support you and who you can draw strength and inspiration from. This can lead to a mastermind group who will always be there to support you and direct you in the path you need to go. From this group of like-minded individuals you can come up with the right strategies to follow, thereby discarding useless or non-productive activities. They can also hold you accountable so that you do not waste your time indulging in non-productive activities.

3. Learn Continually.

Life is about growth, every aspect of life is about growth and we can never reach our full potential if we stop learning. There are more "educated dullards" in the world than we may care to admit.
In the school of wisdom one learns that his "cup" must always be empty, always be willing to learn new strategies, new techniques, new paradigms because the world changes as time goes by and we need to be in step with the changes that happen in the various industries.
Continual education eradicates complacency and keeps you on the cutting edge of your craft. If you want to be known as an expert in any field, continuous education is an absolute must.

4. Assess Yourself.

Self assessment is crucial to the achievement of your dreams. This allows you to remain focused on the outcomes you want on your path to attaining your dreams. Self assessment also keeps you centered so that you do no vary to the right or left, which will only serve to dissipate your energies.

5. Give yourself a deadline.

Having a deadline is a way of ensuring that you will most likely continue to remain on the chosen path and also add some urgency to your activities. It is a tool that you can use to increase the effectiveness of your strategies. You will know based on the deadlines you have given yourself if a specific strategy will work or not and make the necessary adjustment to achieve each goal on your path to attaining your dreams.

6. Reward yourself for little successes.

Rewarding yourself for little successes, is a huge boost to your morale and will energize you to go on to the next milestone. The old saying "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" still hold some truth. Do for yourself whatever "rocks your boat". You may want to buy yourself something nice, take a trip to somewhere you have always wanted to go, the choice is yours just have some fun and get a feeling of accomplishment that you have done something that is taking you closer to you actually achieving your goals and ultimately your dream.

If you do these few little things that I have listed above, there is no stopping you and no "devil in hell" can prevent you from achieving your life's purpose.

Have an awesome day.

Dean Wong.
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